The Most Valuable Function on All my Electronic Devises

All of my electronic devises have a common denominator, the single greatest feature that they all share in common. It isn’t speed, agility, intuitiveness, or capacity, it isn’t size the ability to interface or compatibility; it is the “off” switch. All of these tools are wonderful and honestly, I would not give any of them up without kicking and screaming, I am not sure I could get by without easy access and certainly I could not be as productive as I am without them, but….. be aware.

Do not let tech disconnect you from face to face interaction. All of these tools have a social/business purpose and that purpose is not avoidance, nor is it a false wall of protection from being present with others. More and more I see people using their devices while in the presence of others assuming the illusion of being present but are actually a million miles away emotionally and or intellectually. It is as if we find an odd sense of security in the blue glow of the small screen; for some it has become a real crutch to hide behind.

The nature of the world that we are living in is not going to change but you have the ability to choose moments of liberation. Be a pioneer by being a force for a holistic alternative rather than the limited linear options that we are using for so much of our communication.

I would encourage everyone to take the opportunity to show up, validate your relationships and be fully obligated to engage one on one without the distraction of your devises. The nuances of a real conversation do not translate electronically; tonality, subtle body language, emotions, pheromones, eye movement and even sarcasm and humour are all part of what makes a holistic face to face relationship so rich and rewarding. Electronic communication tends to be more linear due to the fact that these subtleties just don’t translate as well.

Take a moment today and consciously shut down ~ right after you have checked out