Got to Have GRIT

Brent BaldwinWell if I have to have grit; how do I define it?

Grit is “stick-to-it-ness” (OK, maybe it’s not a word; but it should be). It’s the tunnel vision we get when focused on the object of our desire with the intensity of a laser. It’s in the zone, unshakable in our resolve. Plowing through to the brass ring with the finesse of a bulldozer, releasing furry on the things in our way.

Grit is living life guided by the conviction of attaining your heart’s desire; come hell or high water. Tearing down self-imposed limitations and putting aside doubts and fears.


It’s not the only trait you need to Think World Class. But, in conjunction with other sustainable skills, it’s one of the top 10 characteristics when it comes to the Think World Class philosophy.

Getting where you want to go, attaining achievements that make up your vision, and being self-fulfilled takes heart, moral fiber, courage, and willpower.


It sounds like GRIT may be offensive.

The only people who see grit as a socially unacceptable trait or inappropriate act, are the folks who are either too intimidated to pursue their deepest desires and wants or feel that you’re setting an unrealistic standard; typically a fear response.

Some of our friends and associates will think that at some level your tenacity and GRIT might just succeed. Not that they would ever admit it but, often these well-meaning folks don’t want to see you evolve outside the box in which they have you placed. If you ever changed what would become of your relationship?

Don’t we all have grit?

It takes courage, clarity, and fearlessness to activate your grit. Engaging your grit is not for the weak of heart.

I believe we all have the capacity for grit. Although some feel socially awkward exercising it. The comfort and safety of middle-class thinking are safer and more acceptable to the masses.

Be wary of an easily swayed and intimidated middle-class mindset. A mindset directed by the fear of looking too pushy, unwilling to fit in. Preoccupied with people pleasing rather than the fulfillment of a personal goal or agenda is the beginning of the end.

So tell me; could you use more GRIT in your life?

For a limited time, I am offering a free coaching session to a select few individuals. Should you be interested, drop me a line in care of and let’s set up something that’s mutually convenient. I am looking forward to talking to you soon.

Brent Baldwin

Think World Class ~ Live Larger and Breathe Easier

Outsourcing Your Mentors

Brent BaldwinI was thinking about mentors in my life, people of influence who can offer me sound advice and direction. Many of the people who I would consider as possible mentors would gladly give their time and provide answers to my questions.

Face to face mentorship is invaluable on so many levels. But quite frankly there wouldn’t be the depth of analysis that a Warren Buffet could offer or the diplomacy of a Nelson Mandela, I don’t know anyone who would be able to advise me on communicating with a crowd like Bill Gove or Bob Proctor.

So I started to think; enough has been written about and by these great people, why don’t I just outsource my mentorship.

There are lots of outsourcing opportunities, in just about every field imaginable. For tasks from the most complicated, challenging and inspiring to the simplest, the most repetitive and the mundane.

It has got to the point that if you can define a specific task, you can find someone to mentor you. Often for just a fraction of what your billable rate would be. Based on that who wouldn’t be open and receptive to the economies of scale offered by outsourcing. As long as you can define the problem and define the right question it can happen.

But how would you outsource an icon, a world leader, a World Class Thinker?

Extrapolate from the best of the best; listen to interviews, read biographies, magazine articles, watch archived news footage, Youtube and then pick your mentors. Study them with awe. Translate their answers to your situation, open yourself to new alternatives, and be influenced and inspired by the directions they chose, and the trials and tribulations they overcame.

We live in an age where all this and more is readily available for next to nothing. We would be foolish not to exploit the opportunity to our advantage.

Choose your mentors well and choose your questions thoughtfully.

World Class Thinking means Thinking World Class.

Cognitive Kindness

Brent BaldwinCognitive Kindness is about being intentionally kind. We all know the world can always use a little more kindness. While the naysayers tell you, “right now, that’s not where my head is.”

Sometimes we get busy or feel that kindness is not a priority nor is it part of my DNA, I just don’t care what you’re feeling or how I’m percieved. Just leave me alone, this is the way I’ve always done it. Walls up, head down, pushing forward, determined, and no time for B.S. or unnecessary crap or conversation. Just cut to the meat of the problem and let’s muscle through, leave kindness to those with more time and less important work.

Stuck In Your Head

If you’re going to get stuck anywhere, it will be in your head. That isn’t an excuse, it’s a reality, and like any reality we have dominion. We have a choice; there is always a choice.

Ever feel that there just doesn’t seem to be a good enough reason to be kind right now? When focused on the things that are important or are capturing 100% of our attention; it doesn’t mean you can’t be aware. Cognitive Kindness is not mutually exclusive, or all-encompassing, it’s not emotional; it’s a state of presentation. We can do anything that we are engaged in with kindness as our default.

5 Myths Dispelled

1) Being kind makes you vulnerable.
No, it doesn’t what it does do is invite input from others.

2) Kindness makes you appear weak.
The fact is, those who are Cognitively Kind are respected.

3) Kindness is a time waster.
More often than not it offers timely solutions. Answers you would never have stumbled on without someone else’s input.

4) I don’t want to be everyone’s friend.
So don’t be, being kind doesn’t mean you have to invite them home.

5) It waters down the importance of the work.
What makes you think that? What it will do is open the gateway to empathy, constructive considerations, and loyalty.

Choose Cognitive Kindness

Cognitive Kindness boils down to remembering to be present. Be empathetic, aware and receptive to others and your environment.


Because as a World Class performer you want those within your realm of influence to feel confident and comfortable, to bring their best. We all win when we engage in Cognitive Kindness.

Think World Class