It may be just another day, marked by the ticking of a clock as the time changes to twelve o’clock midnight. It happens 365 days a year. Yet there is no other second, hour, day or month change that is more celebrated around the world than that moment when December 31st becomes January 1st. It is the only event in the world that truly unifies us as a human race, without differences, without conflict and without regard for politics, religion, boarders or discrimination. Time supersedes the vanities of our perception of being special or superior to any other person race or religion if only for a brief moment while the bell peels midnight December 31st.
There is no other time in the entire year that is filled with more personal introspection, resolution and reflection than the New Year. It truly is a time of hope and promise, of new beginnings and respect for the past.
Regardless of whether you set new goals, or amend old ones to reflect where you are today or consciously decide not to make any resolutions or set new goals, this new beginning is still filled with a primal sense of hope or anticipation of what is to come for ourselves and those that we love.
The trials, tribulations and losses that you have faced this past year or the mountains that you have yet to climb this coming year for a moment disappear as we catch our breath and feel peace and hope.
May I join with you as we join the rest of the world and collectively usher the new beginning we call 2012.
Happy New Year ~
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It never crossed my mind that this is likely one ‘occassion’ where we all anticipate change overnight. It makes me realize, how tiny a speck in this universe that I am, and that in spite of the population in the world, we are united in time….how profound Brent!
Karen, You are not a tiny speck in the universe, we all are connected and therefore we all matter equally and indeed have more power than we ever imagined. Cast you vote everyday by what you do.
Take care,
“The trials, tribulations and losses that you have faced this past year or the mountains that you have yet to climb this coming year for a moment disappear as we catch our breath and feel peace and hope.”
I loved this statement most….I’m taking a moment tonight to catch my breath, and feel the peace and hope. May this coming year be wonderful for us all.