What’s Your Energy Level?

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The one resource that we all have and don’t always appreciate is the energy we have for living. Low energy or high energy we all have it in some shape or form, and for the most part, we just accept it for what it is.

The reality is our energy level accelerates what we’re doing, or it keeps life in a holding pattern.

I’m not saying that your level of energy is finite, nor am I saying that your energy level is not changeable, just the opposite. Inspired low energy people can all of a sudden feel high energy, and high energy folks can find themselves with low energy levels and feeling spent.

Awareness gives you options

The more energy you have, the more energy you can tap into. It’s like a muscle, the more you train, the more that muscle can deliver. Energy is the same principal. With awareness, we can consciously infuse a low energy moment and kick it up a notch or two. Kick it up with nothing more than willful intent.

The less energy you have, the more likely you are to succumb to low levels of activity while your energy level atrophies before your eyes. Squander your energy at your peril. Low energy breeds self-doubt, anxiety and a short temper, as well as massive rationalizations with all the reasons under the sun that low energy is justifiable. Maybe at this moment, it is, but as a life option, it’s not, it erodes the best you have to give.

High energy is magnetic, if fosters goodwill, creativity, and inspiring relationships. Spend your energy wisely, be a good steward of your energy and invest it where dividends are highest. Be conspicuously conscious of where and why you are going to spend your energy right now.

Your energy bank is full,

Spend it wisely ~ Think World Class