Do You Really Think You’re Enough?

Brent BaldwinReally; why would that be?

After all, we are pretty good at infecting our minds with the pain of self-doubt, the misery of self-condemnation and the angst that underlies self-deprecating humor. Sometimes these stories loop in our mind with schizophrenic persistence. Lies that we silently live with day in and day out, beliefs that undermine our truth and really, really get in the way.

See your limitations

Time to be realistic about who we are, see your weaknesses as opportunities to grow, identify the areas of our life that need work. Then do the work! Start now, set a timetable and commit to converting your weaknesses into assets through hard work and concentrated effort. Figure out where to start and begin today.

Build a personal inventory

List your abilities and strengths; they are all you need and are just fine the way they are. Give your current abilities direction and move forward with intention. Rather than being dismissive, and taking an easy out, build from a personal position of strength.

Everything that you have accomplished as of this date is an asset, all of your experiences and influences that you have been exposed to make you the person that you are. In some way, all acquired attributes and powers are building blocks for you to draw upon, they are sufficient to take you all the way. It starts with believing and moving to deployment.


It is the trap of comparing ourselves to someone else’s talent that we have no business in pursuing; “I always wanted to be (fill in the blank).” You see someone who has worked at their craft or dream, and you think “I want that talent too.” After all, you find it appealing and think (in some delusional way) that it would be nice if you magically had those qualities or abilities. The reality is most are just not prepared to put in the work to achieve them. But if they could be magically bestowed upon me I would be a real good steward, take excellent care of them, “I promise to use them for the good of humanity.”

Wake up; it doesn’t work that way! You know that.

When it comes to being you ~ Think World Class

What You Do Isn’t Who You Are

Brent BaldwinAnd conversely who you are, isn’t what you do. 

Who you are and what you do, requires separation. Indeed there are natural cross-over moments and reflective incidences where personality intersects with workplace competence and talent, where career and character are inseparable.

It is when work  defines our personality or our personal life defines our career that problems arise.

There is a problem, when one or the other becomes indelibly defined as the sole source of our personal existence.

Many of us confuse or choose to define who we are with what we do for a living. When we are particularly pleased with work, it can be intoxicating to our ego.

Although our business may be indelibly linked to our persona by others, based on the relationship that we share. It is imperative that we do not internalize and confuse our personal life and our career. 

We have sole custody of our work life as well as our personal life. Granted, each will influence the other, but it’s essential that a line is drawn separating one from the other. Particularly around matters of the heart or self-perception.

Take stock of who you are in both worlds and turn your back on manic pursuits that preclude you from living a balanced and emotionally open life. 

Don’t hide behind your career; be fearless, open and receptive to friends and family. Conversely, don’t let your personal life dominate and unnecessarily disrupt work. Be congruent with who you are in each arena and diligent in your efforts to be appropriately present.

Maintain a sense of separation between these two worlds. Do not waste a life centred disproportionately in one area or the other.

Honour the difference between work and play ~ Think World Class

The Age of Magical Thinking

Brent BaldwinSociety has evolved, or maybe more accurately devolved, to be singularly centered around I, me and myself. Not only have we advanced acute narcism, but we have also developed it with an angry, vindictive edge. Rather than constructive reasoning and debate, it’s much easier to grab the sword and start slicing at anything that resembles vulnerability.

“Those not in agreement deserve the wrath of my unvarnished bile.”

From schoolyard bullies, captains of industry, the nation’s leaders, and at every conceivable level in between, people feel compelled to take a “no holds barred” stand on everything. Taking a staunch position and feeling it is an inherent right to declare to all within earshot that I am the center of the universe. Regardless how well thought out or sound my thesis is, I am divinely right, and your beliefs are not tolerable; that is unless they align with mine.

We are at a crossroad.

A time in history that will be looked back on with either grim horror or accusatory, finger-pointing blame, placed squarely at the door of our dissenters. Hopefully, the current line in the sand will be blown away by the winds of change.

Mitigate divisive grassroots anger through your willingness to show up with mutual respect and constructive dialogue.

It’s not impossible; it’s just at this moment in time the pendulum is swinging to the outer reaches. Hopefully, it will return to a more respectful balance sooner rather than later; because later may be TOO LATE. 

You have a choice.

Declare yourself open to respectful debate and willing to listen to alternatives with an open mind. Share your beliefs with compassion and empathy. Be a force of one, vigilant in your quest and know that you are part of a quite, informed, majority.

I am not suggesting for a minute that we abandon well thought out opinions nor would I ever agree to accept anything contrary to my foundational beliefs. What I am advocating is a return to civilized and constructive conversations. Conversations where alternative points of view are expected and welcomed. 

There will always be those who choose to be vindictive rather than civilized. Your role is to not take their alternative views personally. After all they’re just words.

Listen, debate and Think World Class

Coming April 5th, our eight week Think World Class program. Register today at